Vatican confirms Catholic priest was killed in Syria
Beheading is hard work so please send more bullets to the rebels in Syria you know it makes sense, and at the same time some anti aircraft guns so that insurance companies can sell extra life insurance for people wanting to fly in the future.
The Franciscan took refuge there after the monastery of St Simon was bombed.
Some initial reports said Fr Murad was beheaded by jihadist militants, but activists now say that he was shot.
The beheading claims were based on a video posted online at around the same time that appears to show two prisoners being executed by rebels.
The video's title referred to the killing of a priest and a bishop, but none of the victims can be identified and none of those featured in the video refer to such an event.
After analysing the footage, local activists and Human Rights Watch said it was most likely filmed in a different location several months before Fr Murad was killed.
Instead, he "died when he was shot inside his church" in Ghassaniya, three separate local sources told the Daily Telegraph newspaper.
The Custody of the Holy Land, a Franciscan order which is the official custodian of religious sites in the Middle East, had also issued a statement two days after Fr Murad's death saying Islamists shot him.
"Islamists attacked the monastery, ransacking it and destroying everything," it said. "When Father Francois tried to resist, defending the nuns, rebels shot him."
I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron a cynical and sarcastic look at religion where Gods and Demons can be treated with less respect than the Easter Bunny and not just because the latter brings chocolate and the former death and destruction but that is at least one good reason!
Metatron from the Greek after and throne taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.
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