
Metatron from the Greek after and throne taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Russians send advanced defence systems to pro-Christian Syrian government, I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron

It is a religious war in Syria and so not a good idea to pretend it is just an anti government uprising.

Just looking about just where on FB is a site where you can support the Syrian Government ........... well if governments can take sides and help arm terrorists why can we help start raising funds for the poor Syrian Government to help in the costs of the funerals of its soldiers being killed by US bullets they too have loving wife and children

I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron a cynical and sarcastic look at religion where Gods and Demons can be treated with less respect than the Easter Bunny and not just because the latter brings chocolate and the former death and destruction but that is at least one good reason!

Russians send advanced defence systems to pro-Christian Syrian government

By Michael Hoffman

While I regret that any arms are being sent to ether side in this horrible civil war, since some of the Gulf states that are implicated in advancing Wahabist/Salafist Islamic fundamentalism and the terrorism and anti-Christian repression that it is known for, are also shipping weapons to car-bombers and Christian-hating “Syrian rebels,” with the collusion of NATO, Great Britain and the U.S., it is understandable that Russia wants to protect the Orthodox Christian population of Syria from massacre, and retain its Syrian naval base.

The Israelis recently invaded Syrian air space and bombed not just “arms bound for Hezbollah,” but Syrian government troops. Should the Israelis be allowed to assist in the overthrow of Assad with their aerial missiles and bombs?  Do only the Israelis have the right to intervene?

I welcome Vladimir Putin’s independence, and defiance of the New World Order. 

Russia is finding support from emerging nations such as India, Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia and perhaps even China. These nations view state terror perpetrated by arrogant western powers, which we saw in NATO’s  overthrow of Qaddafi in Libya, as the bloody and hypocritical reincarnation of 19th century colonialism in “human rights” habiliments.

Wow just checked and if you put 'i am the voice of god i am the metatron' into google you can get links to me and this is just the start of a 10 year plan if this works well next I will have it that people searching for God will also find links to

I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron a cynical and sarcastic look at religion where Gods and Demons can be treated with less respect than the Easter Bunny and not just because the latter brings chocolate and the former death and destruction but that is at least one good reason! 

Metatron from the Greek after and throne taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.

U.S. training Syrian rebels at secret bases

The training has included the use of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, which have been provided by Arab countries, and which the rebels say they badly need to counter the firepower of the Syrian army.

So far, you'd have to say the training hasn't succeeded, since in the past several weeks, the tide of battle has turned in favor of the government forces.
The vicious conflict began more than two years ago when rebels rose up against the dictatorship of Bashar Assad. More than 90,000 people have been killed, and more than a million have been forced from their homes.
The White House announced last week that it would supply military support to the rebels seeking to overthrow Syrian President Bashar Assad. The announcement came after the administration concluded the regime used chemical weapons against the rebels.

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