
Metatron from the Greek after and throne taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Sexy Girls take on spawn of hell (Stultus youngs puellae opus ad crescere)

Stultus youngs puellae opus ad crescere

The threesome, from Arizona, believe the spells in J.K. Rowling's best-selling fantasy series are real, and dangerous. ........ er ........... the spells are just Latin words do they not have a Latin -  English Dictionary? 

Teenage exorcists who say Harry Potter has corrupted the world head to Britain armed with Bibles and Holy Water to tackle hotbed of occult activity

WTF ..................... is this left over from a 1st April prank

They're stunning American teens with black belts in karate, and spend their weekends battling demons.
No, it's not the plot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer - this wholesome trio are actually professional exorcists, and have come to London with a suitcase full of Bibles and Holy Water, intent on banishing the Capital's dark forces.
Brynne Larson, 18, and sisters Tess and Savannah Scherkenback, aged 18 and 21, are determined to rescue London's youngsters from evil spirits, which they say they are inviting to possess them by reciting the spells in the Harry Potter books. 
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Fighting evil: Tess Scherkenback (left) Brynne Larson, and Savannah Scherkenback (right) want to free Britain from demons and evil spirits which they say have a grip on young people
Fighting evil: Tess Scherkenback (left) Brynne Larson, and Savannah Scherkenback (right) want to free Britain from demons and evil spirits which they say have a grip on young people

The threesome, from Arizona, believe the spells in J.K. Rowling's best-selling fantasy series are real, and dangerous.

In fact, they see Britain as a hotbed of occult activity whose origins go back to pagan times.

Savannah explains: 'It has been centuries in the making, but I believe it came to a pinnacle with the Harry Potter books.'

'The spells you are reading about are not made up,' adds Tess. 'They are real and come from witchcraft.'

Inspired by their religious faith, the young women believe loose morals are a prime cause of demonic possession, and that promiscuity can transmit 'sexually transmitted demons' in the same way as physical infections.

British filmmaker Dan Murdoch has spent six months getting to know the trio for an upcoming documentary, Teen Exorcists, which will be shown on BBC3.

Truth or fiction? The Reverend Bob Larson says he has cast out over 15,000 demons
Truth or fiction? The Reverend Bob Larson says he has cast out over 15,000 demons

While filming, he joined them at work in the Ukraine, and afterwards in London where he captured an exorcism meeting on camera.

Guided by their trainer, Brynne's father the Reverend Bob Larson, the women are seen apparently banishing a demon from Beth Wragg, a former Anglican chaplain, in London's East End.

Though Bob says he is guided by God and has cast out more than 15,000 demons, sceptics claim he is preying on the vulnerable in a bid to sell his books, DVDs and 'crosses of deliverance' - a tool of the trade.

There's also the question of donations. While attendance at the exorcism meetings is free, the cleric requests a £200 contribution for private sessions.

Reverend Bob compares his work to medical treatment, and told the Sunday Express: 'People pay thousands to go to drug rehab or for a psychiatrist but there is this idea that spirituality should be free. It is not uncommon for a pastor in America to make up to a million dollars a year. I can assure you we are nowhere near that.'

Though she believes her role as an exorcist is a divine calling, Bob's daughter Brynne has decided to return to the States to study for a degree at Liberty University in Virginia. Ultimately, she hopes to work in international business.

Discussing his documentary, Dan Murdoch admits he has doubts about the team's demon-smiting mission.

'I don't believe in exorcisms after doing the documentary but I do believe in the power of belief after what I've seen,' he says.
Teen Exorcists will air on BBC3 on Thursday September 12 at 9pm.


Now if you believe this then you sure need to read my books

NOW For my books

I do not know why but no one has noticed  in my books vampires are Asian Vampires ... 


A self help guide by Amy Mah (Vampire) for teenage vampire girls, the guide is fully illustrated by manga Artist Heby and is written in an easy to follow A - Z format explaining everything a teenage vampire girl would need to know about living life as a modern Vampire. What is fashionable to wear when eating out? Fang maintenance & how to keep your claws sharp. Should you let a boy bite you on the first date? Easy to understand clear advice is given to every day problems Example: When you get an urge to bite: We all get those normal urges to bite things, and I must point out it is very normal, Claws are all well and good in a fight but a bite gives the extra advantage of getting a refreshing drink at the same time. Lots of girls worry about showing their Fangs in public believing that to show your fangs is rude, but don't be shy they can be a girls greatest asset (ok second greatest asset) if a boy is being rude to you, don't just snarl at him, just bite him! You are a vampire why do you think you have sharp teeth if not for sinking them into a boy that is being rude to you.


Today's world is difficult for everyone, especially teenagers. They face the stresses of school, deciding whom to date, and the biggie of sex, just to name a few. Imagine all of those things ten times worse, and you might get an idea of what it's like being a living, breathing teenage vampire. At last, the world can read about the life of a girl with good teeth, her problems with strong sunlight that gave her spots, and the sunblock that made her hair go yucky and produced more spots. Yes, sunlight was dangerous, as she could be the first teenager in history to die from terminal acne! In her everyday life, older vampires expected her to walk about at night in the traditional female uniform, a see-through, 18th-century nightdress, without undies! Well, this female vampire knew why the cold winds blowing along the corridors were called, "male winds," so she wore her see-through nightdress over jeans and a very thick jumper. To be sure that people would still know she was a vampire, the jumper had a very large, pink bat on it. And as to guys, well, it was normal for a girl to dream about guys; she just wished the dreams could have involved chocolates and holding hands, not leaping out at someone, ripping off his shirt, and demanding to know what blood type he was (at least not on the first date).

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