
Metatron from the Greek after and throne taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron


I am the Voice of God, I am the Metatron a cynical and sarcastic look at religion where Gods and Demons can be treated with less respect than the Easter Bunny and not just because the latter brings chocolate and the former death and destruction but that is at least one good reason! 

Metatron from the Greek after and throne  taken together as "one who serves behind the throne" or "one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory" and yes it is a real word.

You can't find Metatron in the dictionary? so? is that my fault go buy a better dictionary!

Voice of God Er..... Yes, that is me 

So expect to discover what having a god is like Er..... and if you want to complain just remember I am the Voice of God and not you so zip it!

We're evolving; 

and here is 

the whole point

Metatron is described as the Archangel who 

is bright enough to look God straight in the eye: 

one day, then, all humans will also 

 be able to sit among the 

highest frequencies without full spontaneous 


So saith the Metatron

(useless spell checker does not have

 Metatron let alone saith)

Ba'al A Storm God that gives one hell of a great 


And the Jewish God did not like parties!

So Ba'al became the demon of rain clouds and 

having a good party  

When crops were abundant, Ba‘al was praised and thanked for his abundant rain. It is in this context that drought had such impact throughout the biblical traditions. Not only was lack of rain a threat to survival, it was also a sign that the gods of the Ba‘al myth were unhappy. 

It is this context that the "contest" between Elijah and the prophets of Ba’al carries such significance. The issue is really who controls the rain, Ba‘al or Yahweh.

Hosea suggests and Jeremiah graphically depicts the debauchery and excesses that developed in the worship of Ba‘al. 

Because of the sexual overtones of Ba‘al worship, it was easy to use the metaphor of adultery or prostitution to describe the problem that such syncretism raised for Israel. The prophets are consistent in condemning Ba‘al worship as a sign of being unfaithful to their covenant relationship with Yahweh. It is also in this context that the idea of Yahweh being a "jealous" God comes into play 

 The idea here is not an emotional or arrogant dimension, but rather simply an assertion that if God alone is God, as the shema in Deuteronomy 6:4 asserts, then they cannot worship both Yahweh and Ba‘al.

It is likely in response to the Ba‘al myth that Israelites eventually developed their profound doctrine of creation. If Yahweh were to be the only God, then he had to fulfill the role taken by the gods of the Canaanite pantheon. The primary revelation of God for the Israelites was in the exodus. From this experience they could easily work backward to understanding that the same God who created them as a people was the Creator of the world in which they lived. Or, to express this idea from the opposite perspective, Ba‘al worship was a denial that God was really the creator and sustainer of the world. It is from this perspective that many of the names and titles carried by Ba‘al were taken over and transformed to apply to Yahweh (for example, "rider of the clouds" in Psalm 68:4). That was simply a theological way for the Israelites to say that whatever the Canaanites claimed that Ba‘al did, it was actually Yahweh who did those 

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