32% of Americans Think the Syrian Crisis is Part of ‘End Times’
September 15, 2013 By 172 Comments
Look that is your god not mine, just go and have your own end of the world in a small corner somewhere and leave me to enjoy the world without you and your crazy ideas of Armageddon.
Just what is it with Christians and wanting the world to end all the time.
Not Christian so no heaven no hell and no end of the world for me.
32%! A third of Americans seem to think there will be a Left Behind novel written about Syria.
Well this has to be crap as Americans can not be that stupid, try and say (32%) of evangelical, born-again, fundamentalist Christians are so stupid that they could believe in this, yes ok I should not say you are stupid but heck someone has to tell you!
Face it if you start to use out of date religious fairy tails to plan world ends then stupid is the mildest term I can you for you.
More specifically, 26% of Americans think that the Syrian conflict is foreshadowing Armageddon.
This is all according to Christian pollsters LifeWay Research:

Previous U.S. military action, like the war in Afghanistan or air strikes during 1990s war in Bosnia, didn’t get the same reaction, said [LifeWay Research President Ed] Stetzer. But the fact that Syria shares a border with Israel, and is specifically mentioned in the Bible, has people thinking about the end times.…
Most premillennial dispensationalists believe Christians will instantly disappear from the earth during an event called the rapture, followed by seven years of war and catastrophe. After the battle of Armageddon, Jesus will return and set up his kingdom on earth.A third of Americans buy into that bullshit.
If you looked at the demographics of those results, the stereotypes were in full force: Poor people and Southerners were far more likely to believe this nonsense than rich people and Northerners (not that their numbers are anything to brag about):

Those in the South (40 percent) and with household incomes under $25,000 (41 percent are more likely to see Syria’s woes in the Bible. Those in the Northeast (24 percent) or with incomes over $75,000 (20 percent) are more skeptical.
Previous U.S. military action, like the war in Afghanistan or air strikes during 1990s war in Bosnia, didn’t get the same reaction, said [LifeWay Research President Ed] Stetzer. But the fact that Syria shares a border with Israel, and is specifically mentioned in the Bible, has people thinking about the end times.…
Most premillennial dispensationalists believe Christians will instantly disappear from the earth during an event called the rapture, followed by seven years of war and catastrophe. After the battle of Armageddon, Jesus will return and set up his kingdom on earth.A third of Americans buy into that bullshit.
If you looked at the demographics of those results, the stereotypes were in full force: Poor people and Southerners were far more likely to believe this nonsense than rich people and Northerners (not that their numbers are anything to brag about):
I’m so embarrassed for mankind right now…
More demographic breakdowns:
Women (36 percent) are more likely than men (28 percent) to see a link between current events in Syria and the Bible.…
Those who attend worship once or twice a month are more likely to see a tie between Syria’s trouble and the book of Revelation (51 percent agree), as are evangelical, born again, and fundamentalist Christians (58 percent agree.)
Fewer of those who rarely (25 percent) or never attend (14 percent) agree.…
Older Americans are more likely to think U.S. airstrikes could lead to the battle of Armageddon, with 34 percent of those over 65 agreeing. Only 21 percent of those 18 to 29 agree.Millennials shouldn’t pat themselves on the back yet, though. Check out how many young people think the world will end in their lifetime:
Younger Americans, however, are more likely to think the world would end in their lifetime. Twenty-four percent of those 18 to 29 agree, as opposed to only 15 percent of those over 65.
About a third (32%) of evangelical, born-again, fundamentalist Christians believe the world will end in their lifetime.
Remember this guy?
A quarter of Millennials think he was on the right track!
You know what? If you live outside of America, you should seriously send all of us atheists here amazing Solstice presents because we have to deal with these people on a daily basis.
The poll was conducted via a phone survey of 1,001 Americans earlier this month. No word on what the margin of error was.
Many Americans link U.S. military strike in Syria to end times
(via Christian Nightmares)
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